ZHENG Ce PhD defense Tuesday the 8th of December 2020
Title: Impulsive and Dependent Interference in IoT Networks
- Mylene Pischella, Associate professor, CNAM, France
- Claude Oestges, Full professor, UCLouvain, Belgium
Examinateurs :
- Jean-François Hélard, Professor, IETR INSA Rennes, France
- Lina Mroueh, Associate Professor, ISEP – École d’ingénieurs du Numérique, France
- Troels Pedersen, Associate Professor, Aalborg University, Denmark
- GarethW. Peters, Chair Professor in Statistics for Risk and Insurance, Heriot-Watt University, UK
- Laurent Clavier, Professeur, IMT Lille Douai, Université de
Lille, CNRS UMR 8520 IEMN, France - Jean-Marie Gorce, Professor, Inria, INSA Lyon, France
- Malcolm Egan, Chargé de Recherche, Inria, INSA Lyon, France
Abstract: The number of devices in wireless Internet of Things (IoT) networks is now rapidly increasing and is expected to continue growing in the coming years. To support this massive connectivity, a number of new technologies, collectively known as Low PowerWide Area Network (LPWAN), have been developed.
In this thesis, we characterize the statistics of interference arising from LPWANs. Such a characterization is critical to improve signal processing at the receiver in order to mitigate the interference. We approach the characterization of the interference statistics by exploiting a mathematical model of device locations, signal attenuation, and the access protocols of individual interfering devices. The α-stable model is shown via theoretical and simulation results to be valid in a wide range of situations. Motivated by the results in a single dimension, a multivariate model based on α-stable marginals and copula theory is developed and verified by extensive simulations. A new design for nonlinear receivers is finally proposed that can significantly outperform the state-of-the-art in multicarrier IoT systems.
Index terms: NB-IoT, SCMA, α-stable, t-copula, linear combining, impulsive interference, receiver design.