Greetings, robot enthusiasts and tech aficionados! We are thrilled to announce the inaugural IRobot-IA event, set to take place in the Hauts-de-France, marking the first of its kind in this region. This two-day, non-stop hackathon promises to be an exhilarating experience, bringing together about 40 master-level students from two prestigious universities: Institut Mines Télécom (IMT) Nord Europe and the Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology Lille.
Event Details
- Date: 25-26 January 2024
- Location: Douai – France
- Website: Hackaton 2024 – Robot-IA Hauts de France
The Challenge
For several months, a team led by Professor Luc Fabresse at the Digital Systems Education Research and Innovation Center (CERI SN) of IMT Nord Europe have diligently coordinated the technical preparations for the challenge. The team was inspired by real industrial requirements. The resulting challenge participants to develop and pitch innovative solutions that involve robots collaborating on a factory floor. The primary goal is to design a robotic system capable of sorting parts of various shapes using a robotic arm equipped with a camera and a gripper. But that’s not all – a mobile robot will be used to transport these parts through a maze to specified locations, adding an extra layer of complexity to the task.
Robot Operating System (ROS)
To make things even more exciting, participants will be working with the latest technology in robotics. All robots involved in this challenge will be controlled using version 2 of the Robot Operating System (ROS), a flexible middleware widely used in the robotics community. This means that participants will get hands-on experience with cutting-edge technology and gain valuable skills that are in high demand in the robotics industry.
This event offers an excellent opportunity for students to put their knowledge to the test and apply their skills in a real-world scenario. It’s a chance to showcase creativity, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork, all while working on a project that mirrors the challenges faced by robotics professionals in today’s industry.
Networking and Collaboration
Beyond the technical skills gained, participants will have the opportunity to network with fellow students from different universities and backgrounds. Collaborating with like-minded individuals and exchanging ideas can lead to lifelong friendships and potential future partnerships in the field of robotics.
More to Come
The Hackaton 2024 – Robot-IA Haut de France promises to be a thrilling event that combines innovation, technology, and collaboration. We look forward to seeing what incredible solutions the participants come up with as they tackle the industrial-inspired challenges!
Organization Team from IMT Nord Europe (by First name alphabetical order)
- Abdellah Bouchama (CERI SN)
- Alexis Guilloteau (CERI SN)
- Audrey Bouillot (DRI)
- Bertrand Devigne (DISI)
- Christophe Capplaere (FabLab)
- Fabrice Monier (FabLab)
- Gregory Brassart (SG)
- Dr. Guillaume Lozenguez (CERI SN)
- Jean-François Beguin (CERI SN)
- Julien Motetse (CERI SN)
- Pr. Luc Fabresse (CERI SN)
- Mederic Baron (DISI)
- Nathan David (DISI)
- Pr. Noury Bouraqadi (CERI SN)
- Philippe Hasbroucq (DISI)
- Stéphane Giszczewski (DCP)
- Sylvain Daloin (FabLab)
- Dr. Sylvain Dufourny (DRI)

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