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Thanks to consider or help to disseminate the following CALL FOR MANUSCRIPTS :
Security and Communication Networks – Special Issue – Security and Privacy in Smart Cities
Submission Deadline (EXTENDED) : 12 Mar 2021
Smart cities have a unique characteristic – the integration and deployment of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) services and innovations to handle complex data in storage devices and during city-wide transmission. Technologies adopted in smart cities are mostly state-of-the-art and may not be found outside these cities. Smart cities today have been used as testbeds or showcases for new technologies (e.g., 5G, 6G, Terahertz) for which security and privacy are still uncertain. Valuable data underpinned by those technologies can be at risk of various attacks. Security with privacy is an essential key to drive a smart city. Security and privacy issues do not only affect a smart city as a whole, but also its smart elements including buildings, factories, healthcare systems, education, transportation, etc.
Particularly in smart factories, Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial IoT (IIoT), and Cyber-Physical Systems currently lack adequate access control and anti-malware and operate 24/7. They are vulnerable to attacks such as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Regarding a virtualization environment for an internet operator, Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), along with Software-Defined Networking (SDN), also encounter attacks and the solution to this is still unclear. In smart buildings, new usable factors of authentication and types of biometric methods are needed to speed up the authentication process. In smart health, data confidentiality is vital for privacy law compliance such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU and personal data protection acts in many countries. Cryptography and new security architecture for specific contexts can support privacy and law compliance. Technologies for data integrity, such as blockchain, maintain the accuracy and consistency of data, but the actual implementation (e.g., e-voting in a smart government) cannot confirm data availability and confidentiality due to lack of secure design on the front end and other non-blockchain-related parts. Consequently, security with privacy is an essential topic to ICT audiences with an emphasis on smart cities.
The aim of this Special Issue is to collate original research and review articles emphasizing security and privacy in smart cities. Case studies and best practices are also welcome.
Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:
Security in IoT, IIoT, and Cyber-Physical Systems in smart cities and industry 4.0
Security in NFV, SDN, and other virtualization environments in smart cities
New methods of user identification including new factors of authentication, new types of biometric authentication, and new digital identification applied to smart cities
Security in online working spaces including meetings and online learning in smart environments
Information-hiding techniques for data confidentiality in smart cities
Fault-tolerant design techniques for data availability and data integrity in smart cities
Security in testbed technology including 5G, 6G, and Terahertz
Security solutions to support security and privacy law compliance
Security and privacy standardization in smart cities
Case studies and best practices of successful implementation in a unique smart city domain
Guest Editors:
Chalee Vorakulpipat, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand
Ryan Ko, University of Queensland, Australia
Qi Li, Tsinghua University, China
Ahmed Meddahi, IMT Lille Douai, France
Security and Communication Networks (ISSN: 1939-0114) is an international journal publishing original research and review papers on all security areas including network security, cryptography, cyber security, etc. The emphasis is on security protocols, approaches and techniques applied to all types of information and communication networks, including wired, wireless and optical transmission platforms.
This journal is published by Hindawi as part of a publishing collaboration with John Wiley & Sons, Inc. It is a fully Open Access journal produced under the Hindawi and Wiley brands.
Information for submission
Manuscripts should be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript through the online manuscript tracking system. Only electronic PDF (.pdf) or Word (.doc, .docx, .rtf) files can be submitted through the MTS, and there is no page limit.
Manuscripts must be submitted on the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere and are only being considered by this journal.
All submitted articles are subject to assessment and peer review to ensure editorial appropriateness and technical correctness.
A guide for authors and other relevant information for submission of manuscripts are available at