Laurent Clavier received his PhD degree in signal processing in TELECOM Bretagne (now IMT Atlantique) in Brest, France and the HDR degree from Lille University, France, in 2009. He is, since October 2011, Professor in Mines-Telecom institute (IMT Lille Douai), with IEMN (UMR CNRS 8520 – Institut d’Electronique de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie) and IRCICA (USR CNRS 3380 – Institut de Recherche sur les composants logiciels et matériels pour l’Information et la Communication Avancée). His research activities concern digital communications and the physical layer of wireless networks for IoT, more specifically energy autonomous sensor networks. He is particularly interested in the interference model and impact in ultra-dense wireless networks.
Accepted for publication
L. Clavier, T. Pedersen, Ignacio Rodriguez, M. Lauridsen and M. Egan, “Experimental Evidence for Heavy Tailed Interference in the IoT,” IEEE Communications Letters, 2020.
A. Ataklity Tesfay, E.P. Simon, I. Nevat and L. CLavier, “Multiuser Detection for DownlinkCommunication in LoRa-like Networks”, IEEE ACCESS, 2020.
Recent publications (Google Scholar)
- Congduc Pham, Ahcène Bounceur, Laurent Clavier, Umber Noreen, Muhammad Ehsan, LPWAN Technologies for IoT and M2M Applications Chapter 4 “Radio channel access challenges in LoRa low-power wide-area networks”, Editor(s): Bharat S. Chaudhari, Marco Zennaro, Academic Press, 2020, 65-102.
- Y Mestrah, A Savard, A Goupil, G Gellé, L Clavier, “An Unsupervised LLR Estimation with unknown Noise Distribution”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2020 (1), 1-11
- Egan, L. Clavier, Z. Ce Zheng, M. de Freitas and J.-M. Gorce, “Dynamic interference for uplink SCMA in large-scale wireless networks without coordination”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Aug. 2018
- De Freitas M., Egan M., Clavier L., Goupil A., Peters G.W., Azzaoui N., “Capacity bounds for additive symmetric α-stable noise channels”, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 63, 8 (2017) 5115-5123.