ARTS – Autonomous ResilienT Systems

Research group – IMT Nord Europe – CERI Systèmes Numériques

Proposed positions

For any further information contact laurent.clavier(at)

Permanent positions

Assistant Professor position in Computer Science related to IoT and Robotics.

Research Engineer for IoT and Robotics.

Related: Research Engineer for IoT and Robotics.


We will hire several post-docs with skills on cellular and IoT networks from PHY to NET layers.

  • wireless and digital communication,
  • probability, stochastic geometry and percolation,
  • information theory,
  • software defined network,
  • network function virtualization,
  • Security

Do not hesitate to contact us.


The proposed topics concern resilient beyond 5G and IoT networks from PHY to NET
layers. Our main concerns are related to massive acces (NOMA), interference models,
device to device and low power communications, information theory, network function
virtualization, software dene networks, AI and security.
If you desire to make a PhD in one of those topics, do not hesitate to contact us.

Skills: several PhD with different skills are opened: cellular and IoT networks
(from PHY to NET layers), wireless and digital communication, probability, information
theory, software defined network, network function virtualization, security.