ARTS – Autonomous ResilienT Systems

Research group – IMT Nord Europe – CERI Systèmes Numériques


  • Jeudi 27 Mai 2021, 14H

Phithak Thaenkaew (NTEC Thaïlande, PhD in collaboration with UMons), LoRaWAN communication architecture with a focus on Over-The-Air Activation (OTAA) security”.

Roza Ranjbar (Thèse IMT-Univ Seville) – encadrée par Lucien/Eric et J.M. Maestre (Sev), Hierarchical model predictive control of canal of Calais with continuous and discrete actuators.


  • Jeudi 18 Mars 2021, 14H

Seminar on Wireless and Radar Processing – The goal of this seminar is to showcase the new results and research in the fields of wireless communications and radar signal processing of the COSY group in UCLouvain and the University of Lille (IRCICA and axis ARTS, CERI SN, IMT Lille Douai).


  • Jeudi 28 Janvier 2021

Titouan VERDU Adaptive flight patterns for dynamic environment exploration with a fleet of UAVs.

Débora Alves Leak Supervision in Water Distribution Network


  • Jeudi 17 Décembre 2020

Fatemeh Karimi Pour Advances in prognosis, Health management and Economic Model Predictive Control of nonlinear/uncertain systems (Potential Applications to Industrial Processes and Large-scale Systems)

Sofiane Kharbech Evolving ML-based algorithms for wireless communications: the case of waveform detection.


  • Jeudi 5 Novembre 2020

Lucien Etienne Self trigger co-design using LASSO regression

Laurent Clavier Results on interference models and management in LoRa networks