ARTS – Autonomous ResilienT Systems

Research group – IMT Nord Europe – CERI Systèmes Numériques

Networking and security

Large-scale, dynamic and heterogeneous systems will need to be secure and resilient. This will require them to manage autonomously their protection (with new security protocols and new approaches to trust and reputation management), optimisation (by integrating the cost/benefit concept), configuration (with adaptive security mechanisms) and repair (with real-time analysis of large volumes of heterogeneous and dynamic data).

Programmability and virtualization of networks constitute a possible approach to move towards autonomous cybersecurity. It allows flexibility, dynamic management, reactivity… but in return widens the attack surface and introduces new threats or vulnerabilities and may impact the quality of service. It is also important to interconnect data centres (elastic optical data centre network – EO-DCN) and to duplicate content and access paths to these resources. The use of spectral resources and energy efficiency then become major issues. Identifying the right architectures on large scales remains an open problem.


Studied topics:

  • Network security and survivability
  • Routing and resource allocation in communication networks (optical networks, data center networks,  wireless ad-hoc network, and etc.)
  • Network function virtualization (NFV)
  • (To be updated … )